UFC lightweight Devonte Smith’s sister shot and killed in Columbus

By Harry Kettle - July 15, 2020

UFC lightweight Devonte Smith‘s sister has been shot and killed in Columbus, Ohio during an incident in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Devonte Smith

Dariene Smith was leaving a nightclub with her friends when an unrelated dispute broke out, and when gunshots were fired, Smith was caught in the crossfire. She was taken to Ohio Health Rehabilitation Hospital, but as reported by 10WBNS, she was later pronounced dead.

Devonte provided the following statement through Instagram as he continues to grieve the loss of his sister.

“Everyday I will have to wake up and accept that your gone. So many emotions and thoughts right now that I can’t tell what’s normal or illogical thinking. Idk what to think or how to feel. My little sister man, shot and killed…mine. so much rage and anger but idk where to place it. Seeing you lay there hoping you wake up but you never did really did something to my heart and soul. I Cried so much I got a headache and kept crying. You will forever be my little sister. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU. One of the worst days of my life. Ima miss you so much, words can’t truly describe how I’m feeling in my heart”.

The following GoFundMe page was set up by friends and family in the wake of this tragedy. Here’s what the page says. 

“The world lost a true source of light and inspiration this weekend when Dariene Smith tragically lost her life.

The incident occurred when Dariene was leaving a nightclub with friends. A separate, unrelated dispute between other parties resulted in gunfire, which tragically resulted in Dariene’s untimely passing.

Two children, ages six and two, are left without a mother, as we mourn the passing of Dariene, who we graciously remember as a talented artist and vibrant free-spirit.

Dariene enjoyed her office job, but the COVID-19 pandemic forced her into working just part-time. Unfortunately her involuntary change in employment status voided her life-insurance policy.

With no insurance policy, Dariene’s family is gratefully accepting funding for funeral and burial services, and for financial assistance in raising her two young children.

Thank you very much for your support”.

The team at BJPENN.com sends its condolences to Devonte Smith and his family. 

This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM


Devonte Smith UFC