Bellator NYC Results: Douglas Lima defeats Lorenz Larkin (Highlights)
Bellator NYC Results: Lorenz Larkin vs. Douglas Lima

A welterweight title fight kicked off tonight’s “Bellator NYC” main card as current 170-pound champion Douglas Lima took on top contender Lorenz Larkin.
Round one begins and Lima misses with an attempted leg kick to start things off. He throws another and this time he connects. Larkin presses forward and misses with a high kick. Lima immediately responds with a good kick to the body. Larkin circles and then lands a hard low kick. He follows that up with a jab to the body. Another good body kick from Larkin. He fires off another low kick that connects. Lima circles out and then lands a straight right hand. Larkin comes forward and lands a nice combination. Lima fires back with a heavy low kick. Larkin switches to south paw. He checks a kick and then moves back to orthodox. Under one minute remains in the opening round. Lorenz lands a left hand and then circles out. Lima presses forward and lands a jab. He follows that up with a kick to the body. Lima presses Larkin against the cage and round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Lima lands a jab and then a heavy low kick. Larkin presses forward with a combo but fails to land. Another combination attempt from Larkin and this time his strikes find a home. He throws a head kick but Douglas blocks it. Larkin continues to press forward now. He lands a left but Lima fires right back with a low kick. Larkin connects with a right hook and then another. Lima might be hurt. Lorenz presses forward but Lima catches him with a left hook and Larkin crashes to the canvas. Amazing turn of events. Lima jumps in to the guard of Larkin and begins pouring on some ground and pound. Larkin scrambles and gets back to his feet. He takes the center of the cage and begins pawing with his left jab. One minute to go and Larkin lands a nice kick to the body of Lima. Douglas is pressing forward now. Larkin catches him with a left jab and then a straight right hand. Larkin charges in recklessly with a combination and just avoids getting countered by Lima. Round two comes to an end.
The champ @PhenomLima showing off his trademark fire power! #BellatorNYC
— Bellator MMA (@BellatorMMA) June 25, 2017
Round three begins and Lima lands a body kick to get things started. He follows that up with a hard low kick. Douglas is pressing the action. Larkin needs to get his back off the fence. He does. He circles out and takes the center of the cage. Lima lands a hard inside low kick. Both men are able to land right hands. They trade left jabs now. Larkin goes upstairs with a kick that partially lands. Lima quickly replies with a body kick of his own. Larkin is trying to find a way inside but eats a right hand for his troubles. Douglas is pressing the action now. Larkin lands a left jab and then a straight right. Lima replies with a low kick. He charges forward and just misses with a left hook. Round three comes to an end.
Round four begins and Larkin lands a right jab but Lima immediately responds with a kick to the body that lands flush. Larkinis utilizing more movement here early. He’s pawing with a right jab and now connects with one. He follows that up with a low kick that lands. Lima presses forward but is forced to block an attempted head kick from Larkin. Lorenz winds up with a right hand but it is not there. Lima circles and then comes in with a left hook that connects. Larkin charges in and lands a right hand followed by a left hook. He goes to the body with a kick. Lorenz is picking up the pace now and he needs to if he hopes to steal a decision here. A side kick lands for Larkin. Lima presses forward and misses with a combination. Lorenz lands a left jab but eats a hard kick to the body for his efforts. Lima is able to score a trip takedown and winds up in half guard. Larkin scrambles and is able to get back to his feet. Round four comes to an end.
Round five begins and Larkin may need a finish here. He presses forward and lands a low kick. Both men fire off punches but nothing serious connects. Larkin still is having a hard time getting inside on Lima. Douglas fires off a jab to the body of Lorenz that lands. Larkin responds with a nice jumping back kick. He follows that up with a right hook. Lima charges forward but misses with a right hook. Larkin makes him pay with a good kick to the body. Lorenz with a pair of nice left jabs. Lima responds with a good kick to the ribs of Larkin. Lorenz eats that shot and continues to press the action. Just over a minute to go here. Larkin lands a thunderous kick to the body of Lima. He presses forward and lands a straight left. Lima circles out and lands a low kick. Larkin with a right hook and then another. Lima fires off a body kick. The fighters trade punches to the final bell.
Lima defeats Larkin via decision (50-45, 48-47, 48-47)
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
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Bellator NYC Douglas Lima Lorenz Larkin