Orion Cosce wanted to “rebook” Blood Diamond fight, plans to “take him down and get the sub or ground and pound” finish at UFC 277

By Cole Shelton - July 28, 2022

Orion Cosce wanted to rebook the Blood Diamond fight after the Kiwi being forced out of their scheduled contest at UFC 275.

Orion Cosce

Cosce and Diamond were booked to fight at UFC 271 but ‘Galaxy’ was forced out of the fight due to COVID-19. Diamond ended up facing Jeremiah Wells and lost by submission.

Following the loss, the two were rebooked at UFC 275 in Singapore but this time it was Diamond that had to pull out of the fight. Once the fight was scratched again, Cosce made it known he wanted to rebook the bout.

“I wanted to remain on the card and my management and I talked and we got told that Singapore is going to tax more money on top,” Cosce said on Just Scrap Radio on BJPENN.com. “I was like I don’t know about that, I don’t know if I want to get taxed more money. It would have been a great and unique experience to be on that card because it would’ve been one of the first times there was a pay-per-view in Singapore. Hopefully next time they can get me on something overseas but I’m happier to travel three hours to Dallas compared to like 18 to get to Singapore…

“We wanted to rebook the fight because when I got COVID and wasn’t able to heal up properly his team did the same thing for us,” Cosce later added. “He still ended up taking the fight in Houston, but we got rebooked for Singapore and I told my manager to get it rebooked again so hopefully the third time is the charm.”

Against Blood Diamond, Orion Cosce knows the former kickboxer is a great striker, however, he says this is MMA and he plans to use all his skills at UFC 277. Cosce knows he can strike with Diamond but he says the takedowns will be key and ultimately sees a submission or ground and pound TKO win.

“We will have to see. I have the ability to stand up and the ability to take the fight to the ground. But, that is why it’s mixed martial arts and I plan to use it all. If I’m not using it all, I’m going away from who I am,” Cosce said. “I’m still going to continue to be the pressure fighter, work him to the cage, landing strikes, fake the takedowns to set up my strikes, or even use my strikes to set up my takedowns. If the opportunity shows I will take him down and get the sub or ground and pound.”

If Cosce does get the stoppage win he desires, the plan is to return as quick as possible as he wants two or three more fights this year.

“The goal is still to have three or four fights this year. This is my first but I want to fight as active as I can,” Cosce concluded.

Do you think Orion Cosce will finish Blood Diamond at UFC 277?