UFC 221 Results: Curtis Blaydes defeats Mark Hunt
UFC 221 Results: Curtis Blaydes defeats Mark Hunt

A key heavyweight scrap between surging division contender Curtis Blaydes and former interim title challenger Mark Hunt served as the co-main event of tonight’s UFC 221 event in Perth.
Round one begins and Blaydes presses forward with a combination that misses. He lands a follow up leg kick. Mark Hunt circles along the outside. He misses with a left hook. Blaydes comes forward with a kick to the body. Hunt back steps. Blaydes comes in and Hunt just misses landing a massive right hand. Mark moves to the center of the cage. Blaydes leaps in with a right hand that misses the mark. Hunt is looking to counter. He lands a left but Curtis counters with a nice right. Blaydes presses forward and scores a single leg takedown. He moves to side control but as he does Hunt scrambles back to his feet. Mark Hunt lands a right hand that rocks Blaydes. Mark fires off another heavy combination that lands. Blaydes is in all sorts of trouble but fires back. Hunt with another massive punch that sends Blaydes to the floor. Curtis pops right back to his feet and fires off a right hand. He shoots in and scores with a double leg takedown. He moves to half guard and lands a right hand and then another. Just over a minute remains. Blaydes moves to full mount and begins unloading. Hunt scrambles but gives up his back. Blaydes is looking to secure a rear-naked choke but the horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Blaydes charges forward with a combination. He presses Hunt against the fence and works in some short shots. The fighters jockey for position and Hunt breaks free. Blaydes moves forward and throws a right hand over the top. Blaydes witches stances and then fires off a leg kick. Curtis shoots in a scores a takedown. He immediately moves to half guard and begin working some hard forearms. He switches to some body shots and then moves back to elbows. More punishment now from Blaydes. He is working in both punches and elbows. Hunt is trying to scramble back to full guard but can’t. Big shots from the top by Blaydes. He lands two massive elbows. Hunt will survive to see round three.
Round three begins and Blaydes immediately shoots in and lands a takedown. Hunt gets right back to his feet but Blaydes slams him back to the floor and proceeds to take full mount. This is not good. Over four minutes remain. Curtis begins landing some hard shots. Hunt scrambles back to half guard while eating a couple of hard elbows. Big shots from Blaydes. Hunt gives up his back. Blaydes is working him over with shots. Mark is so incredibly tough. He somehow walks through shots to get back to his feet but is immediately slammed back to the floor for his efforts. Hunt scrambles back to his feet. He last about five seconds before Blaydes drags him back to the floor. Curtis working from side control now. He rains down some punches but Hunt scrambles and is back up. Blaydes charges forward and winds up scoring a single leg takedown. Blaydes rains down punishment right until the horn sounds to end the third and final round.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
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Curtis Blaydes Mark Hunt UFC 221