Lyoto Machida finally breaks silence, issues poignant statement after Derek Brunson loss

By Tom Taylor - November 2, 2017

Last weekend, Lyoto Machida returned from a lengthy hiatus to battle the dangerous Derek Brunson. Unfortunately for Machida and his fans, this comeback fight went disastrously, as he was knocked senseless inside the first frame.

Lyoto Machida

In the wake of this loss, Machida was initially quite silent. Now, however, the former light heavyweight champion has finally broken his silence, having issued a lengthy statement on Instagram.

Quero agradecer todo apoio e suporte que tenho recebido dos meus fãs! Estou em casa, com minha família, recuperando do resultado que não veio, mas com a sensação de dever cumprido, pois qualquer um poderia ter desistido da ideia de ficar quase 2 anos afastado do esporte e em seguida voltar para o campo de batalha. A maior derrota seria desistir de um sonho que já me consagrou. Uma derrota maior seria te inspirar a não seguir adiante quando tudo o que você precisa fazer é levantar a cabeça e partir para cima. Então, agradeço a todas as mensagens de carinho e de força. Dizer que sim, o Dragão voltou e que desistir nunca será uma opção! No dia em que eu decidi que não iria parar de lutar eu quis mostrar para você que, independente das dificuldades da vida, ou você é um lutador, ou um desistente. Perder ou ganhar não é o que define um homem em sua essência, mas sim a sua jornada por aquilo que acredita e se dedica. Mais uma vez, obrigado por estar do meu lado. Conto sempre com sua torcida e saiba que estou sempre torcendo por você também. // I would like to thank all the support I’ve received from my fans! I’m home, with my family, recovering from a result that didn’t come, but with a sense of achievement, since anyone could have given up the idea of returning to the battlefield after almost 2 years away from the sports. My biggest loss would be giving up the dream that once was my blessing. An even bigger loss would be inspiring you not to go ahead when all you need to do is to keep your head up and go on. Thus, I thank you all for the messages full of affection and strength. Saying that the Dragon is back and then giving up will never be an option! The day I decided I wouldn’t stop fighting, I wanted to show you that, regardless of all the hardship of life, you are either a figher or a quitter. What defines a man in his essence is not losing or winning, but his journey for what he believes. Once more, thank you for being by my side. I will always count on your support, and know that I will be supporting you back.

A post shared by Lyoto Machida (@lyotomachidafw) on

“I would like to thank all the support I’ve received from my fans! I’m home, with my family, recovering from a result that didn’t come, but with a sense of achievement, since anyone could have given up the idea of returning to the battlefield after almost 2 years away from the sports. My biggest loss would be giving up the dream that once was my blessing. An even bigger loss would be inspiring you not to go ahead when all you need to do is to keep your head up and go on. Thus, I thank you all for the messages full of affection and strength. Saying that the Dragon is back and then giving up will never be an option! The day I decided I wouldn’t stop fighting, I wanted to show you that, regardless of all the hardship of life, you are either a figher or a quitter. What defines a man in his essence is not losing or winning, but his journey for what he believes. Once more, thank you for being by my side. I will always count on your support, and know that I will be supporting you back.” – Lyoto Machida on Instagram.

What do you think of this statement from Lyoto Machida?

This article first appeared on on 2/11/2017.

This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM


Lyoto Machida