Dana White gets emotional talking about when he saved a young girl’s life

By Harry Kettle - May 22, 2024

UFC president Dana White has revealed that he once saved a young girl’s life with a $50,000 donation towards her heart surgery.

Dana White

In the eyes of many, Dana White is a polarizing figure. On the one hand, he’s helped build up the sport of mixed martial arts and, in particular, the Ultimate Fighting Championship. On the flip side, he’s had many controversies over the years, with many relating to fighter pay.

Alas, regardless of whether you love him or hate him, nobody can deny the impact he’s made throughout his career.

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In a recent interview, Dana shared a personal story of how he once helped save a young girl’s life.

White’s gesture

“There was this guy that had posted something, that he had just come back from Thailand. He was training Muay Thai over there with this legendary coach, and his daughter was dying because she needed some type of heart surgery. She was going to die in the next several days if she didn’t get the money. It was gonna be $50,000. The guy was like, ‘Dana White you need to put this f***ing money up right now and donate it to her, you f***ing bet this much playing blackjack’. You know, basically coming at me like that.

“People on the thing were going ‘woah, he can do whatever he wants with his money, why do you expect him’ – but, this is the way I talk. This guy was talking to me, the way that I talk, and he isn’t wrong. I was like, no this dude is f***ing absolutely right. He’s not wrong, he’s absolutely f***ing right. I’m supposed to do this. So, I end up reaching out, we find out if it’s real, [and] it’s real, and I send the $50,000 over.

“When you go into their gym there’s this massive picture of me in there. Then there’s a big picture of me over her bed, like I’m her guardian angel [Dana gets choked up]. I pay for her schooling and all of her medical stuff, I don’t like talking about a lot of this stuff, but I’m in a position where I’m very lucky I can help other people.”

“I do stuff because I should do it, and I do stuff because I wanna do it, I don’t do it because I want to be recognized doing it. But I don’t like talking about it.”

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This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM


Dana White UFC