Video | Conor McGregor relives Marcus Brimage KO eight years after making his UFC debut

By Adam D Martin - April 6, 2021

UFC superstar Conor McGregor relived the Marcus Brimage knockout exactly eight years after making his promotional debut at UFC on FUEL TV 9.


It was April 6, 2013, when McGregor stepped into the Octagon for the first time against Brimage. At the time, the Irishman was both the Cage Warriors lightweight and featherweight champion and he came into the UFC with a great deal of hype. The fans who had watched him compete in Europe knew that he was a special talent and they wanted to see him get tested against tougher competition. So when the UFC called and brought McGregor on board, it was a massive deal. He accepted the UFC’s offer to fight Brimage, an Ultimate Fighter veteran who was 3-0 in the Octagon, and McGregor never looked back.

It’s almost incredible to think that McGregor was only a -165 betting favorite to Brimage, who was a +115 underdog at the time. But when you remember that Brimage had beaten two highly-touted fighters in Jimy Hettes and Maximo Blanco in the UFC, you could see why some people thought he had a chance. Well, he didn’t. McGregor put on an absolute masterclass of a performance as he brutally knocked Brimage out in the first round. To be exact, McGregor needed just 1:07 to put Brimage away. Eight years later, and McGregor shared the video of the Brimage knockout on his Instagram as he relived the moment.

UFC debut 8 years ago today. Still rockin! Dana! 60g’z baby

As McGregor noted, he actually received $60,000 for that performance as the UFC used to sometimes give out higher bonuses than the current standard of $50,000. It was money well deserved, as McGregor put on an absolute masterclass against Brimage. You could tell that he was a special talent, and eight years later, he’s still the biggest star in the sport.

Where do you rank the Conor McGregor vs. Marcus Brimage KO among the Irishman’s best UFC performances?

This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM


Conor McGregor UFC