UFC Glasgow Results: Jack Marshman defeats Ryan Janes
A middleweight scrap between Jack Marshman and Ryan Janes took place on today’s UFC Fight Night main card in Glasgow, Scotland.

Round one begins and Marshman quickly takes the center of the cage. Janes fires off a front kick to the body of Jack. Marshman charges forward and throws a combination. Ryan is able to avoid any serious strikes and responds with another kick to the body. Marshman continues to press the action and lands a good combination. Janes replies with a good jab but Marshamn charges in with an overhand right that connects. He follows that up with an uppercut and then a low kick. Janes tries to circle out but eats a right hand. The Canadian, Janes, presses forward and lands a body kick. Marshman responds with a low kick followed by a right hand that lands. He leaps in with a left hand that connects. Another good left hand from Marshman. Janes responds with a right jab but Jack counters him again with a straight left. Round one comes to an end.
They're going at it! Strong exchanges by both fighters! #UFCGlasgow pic.twitter.com/FUjJWYyjNc
— UFC (@ufc) July 16, 2017
Round two begins and Janes is able to connect with a body kick early. Marshman presses forward but misses with an attempted combination. Janes circles out and then lands a front kick to the body of Jack. A stiff right jab from Janes now. He seems to have found his groove here. Ryan pressing the action now but Jack is able to catch him with a counter left hand. Both fighters connect with left jabs and then Janes lands a right hand over the top. Marshman circles out and then leaps in with a combination that lands. Janes presses Marshman against the cage in search of a takedown. He begins working some knees from the position. Janes switches to punches. Marshman finally is able to break free from the position and circle out. He immediately charges forward with a left hand that finds a home. Janes replies with a knee. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Marshman immediately begins to press forward. Janes throws a kick to the body and then circles out. Ryan lands a right hand and Jack replies with a good left. Janes circles and throws a low kick. He shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Marshman circles and then leaps in with a left that misses. Janes lands a nice counter right hand. Ryan presses forward and lands a jab. Marshman fires back with a nice combination. Janes eats it and then leaps in with a nice left hook of his own. Marshman lands a pair of jabs to the body. Janes presses forward and lands a left. He pushes Jack against the cage and lands a pair of knees from the clinch. Marshman is able to break free. Janes chases after him and lands a left hook and then a jab. Janes with a left hand and then a knee. He rattles off two more left hands and Marshman is now on the retreat. Ryan chases after Jack with combination as the horn sounds to end round three.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC Glasgow