UFC 205 Results: Joanna Jedrzejczyk defeats Karolina Kowalkiewicz
UFC strawweight champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk (13-0) put her title on the line against undefeated challenger Karolina Kowalkiewicz (10-1) during tonight’s UFC 205 main card in New York city.

Round one begins and Karolina begins the forward pressure to start. Joanna lands a jab to the body. She follows up with a low kick. Karolina with a right hand. Joanna responds with a nice combo. Karolina with the forward pressure she lands a leg kick and then charges forward with punches. A beautiful combination from Joanna scores. Karolina replies with a right. Joanna answers with an inside leg kick. She lands another low kick. Karolina presses forward but misses with her combo. Joanna circles away and lands a kick to the body. The fighters clinch and Karolina presses JJ against the fence. Joanna lands a knee and breaks free. Karolina misses with a right hand but lands an elbow. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Karolina quickly gets Joanna presses against the cage. She lands a knee inside but Joanna lands an elbow and breaks free from the position. Karolina chases after her but gets counter by Jedrzejczyk. Karolina eats a hard leg kick. She is still pressing the action but it is not benefiting her yet. Joanna lands a hard elbow. She presses Karolina against the fence. Karolina switches the position briefly but Joanna breaks free. Joanna with some hard leg kicks. Karolina shoots in and drives Joanna across the cage. Jedrzejczyk uses some good take down defense to stay up. Karolina gives up on the position and we break. Joanna attempts a head kick but Karolina catches it. She presses Joanna against the fence but JJ breaks free and then lands another hard leg kick. Round two comes an end.
Round three begins and Joanna continues to land at will. Karolina presses her against the cage but there she is met with short elbows and knees. Karolina breaks and lands a leg kick. Joanna counters with a nice combination that ends in a leg kick. Karolina lands a leg kick and the presses Joanna against the cage. She is looking for a takedown but it is not there. Joanna lands an elbow. They break. Another hard leg kick from Joanna. Karolina presses forward and pushes her against the cage. There she looks for a takedown but Joanna is not having it and switches the position. Joanna pushes off and lands an elbow. Karolina charges at her off the fence but eats another kick. Round three comes to an end.
Round four begins Karolina and Joanna both throw push kicks. Joanna lands two leg kicks and then a third. She is chopping Karolina down here with low kick. Karolina presses in and actually lands a solid flurry. Joanna grabs a hold of her and presses her against the cage. Karolina battles to switch the position but when she does Joann simply breaks free. A nice combination scores for the champion. Karolina presses forward and lands a big shot. Joanna is hurt. More shots from Karolina she has JJ hurt here. Big shots from Karolina. Joanna scoots in and takes her down. Karolina switches the position and stands back up. They break. Karolina lands a left hand. She shoots in for a takedown. It is not there. They clinch and exchange knees. Upon the break Joanna throws a kick. Karolina catches it and lands a hard right hand. She lands another solid combo on Joanna. The champ misses with a spinning back fist and then lands a leg kick. Good knees from both women in the clinch to end round four.
OHHHHHHHHH @KarolinaMMA tagged the champ!!!! #UFC205 #UFCNYC https://t.co/gJiEbtIb4I
— UFC (@ufc) November 13, 2016
Round five begins and Karolina charges forward with punches. The clinch up and Joanna presses her against the cage. They break. Karolina is hopping around but JJ lands a hard leg kick. She misses with a front kick and then a head kick but lands a nice inside leg kick. Another low kick socres. Karolina misses with a jab and eats another leg kick. Joanna with a front kick and then a right hand. She looks to be back to form here after being rocked in round two. Joanna with a low kick. Karolina misses with a wild combo. she charges forward but eats a left. Karolina with a right hand in the pocket and then another. Joanna is busted up here. Karolina is eating a ton of kicks but continues to press forward. Joanna presses her against the cage and lands some more knees inside. They break. Karolina charges forward with strikes. The horn sounds to end the bout.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC Results