TUF 23 Finale Results: Joanna Jedrzejczyk defeats Claudia Gadelha
The main event of the TUF 23 Finale featured a rematch between strawweight champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk (12-0 MMA) and top contender Claudia Gadelha (13-2 MMA).

Round one begins and Claudia lands an early left that drops Jedrzejczyk. Joanna gets back to her feet but Claudia shoots in and lands a takedown. Gadelha is working from half guard. Joanna scrambles and gets back to her feet. The fighters are working against the fence in the clinch position. They break and Joanna lands a combination. Claudia presses forward and pushes Joanna against the cage. Gadelha with a nice takedown. She moves to half guard and lands some good shots from the top. Elbows to the body from the Brazilian. Joanna scoots back to the fence and is able to stand up. Good elbows from both fighters. Nice leg kick from Joanna. Jedrzejczyk misses with a front kick. Claudia with a nice combo. Claudia with a left hand. Jedrzejczyk lands a front kick to the body. Another nice left from Claudia. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and both women land punches early. Claudia shoots in and presses Joanna against the cage. Excellent strikes inside from Gadelha. She gets double under hooks and drags Joanna to the floor. Claudia working from half guard. She lands some good short shots from the position. Joanna fires back with some shots of her own. The champ is able to get back to her feet. Claudia gets double under hooks and is looking to score a trip. She lands some excellent short shots on Joanna against the cage. Joanna lands a big knee to the body. Claudia shoots in for a single leg but it is not there. Joanna is able to sweep Claudia who dives for a leg lock. She cannot secure the submission but winds up on top. Joanna stands back up and they battle against the fence. They break and Joanna lands a front kick. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Joanna lands a nice combination. Jedrzejczyk with a great jab. Claudia lands a big left and then another. She shoots in and takes Joanna down. Jedrzejczyk immediately stands back up but Gadelha scores another takedown. Once again Joanna gets back to her feet but Claudia will not let her go. Good elbow inside from Joanna. She lands a knee but Claudia fires back with a right. They break and Claudia takes a big deep breath. Joanna lands a nice kick to the body. Claudia with a nice right hand. Joanna comes back with a combination. Claudia looks tired. Her movement has dropped substantially. Claudia shoots in and lands a takedown. Joanna is able to get right back to her feet. Big combo from Joanna. Claudia rocks her with an elbow. Joanna recovers and presses Gadelha up against the fence. Both women land huge elbows. Round three comes to an end.
Round four begins and Jedrzejczyk lands a nice combination. Joanna looks to be the much fresher fighter. Joanna with a front kick to the body. Nice left hand from Jedrzejczyk. Claudia continues to press forward. Joanna lands a solid leg kick. Big right hand from Joanna, Claudia fires right back with a nice hook. Joanna with another solid leg kick and then a combination. She is landing at will now. Claudia lands a right but eats three shots. Joanna goes upstairs with a high kick. Joanna is battering the Brazilian. Round four comes to an end.
Round five begins and there is a good chance that whoever wins this round will leave the champion. Jedrzejczyk pumps the jab to start. She lands a nice combination on Claudia. Gadelha is pressing forward but Joanna is using good movement to keep her on the outside. Claudia rushes in and gets double under hooks. She is looking to score a trip takedown here. Joanna breaks free and lands a front kick to the body. Jedrzejczyk lands a front kick to the face of the Brazilian. Claudia lands a left hand. She shoots in and presses Joanna against the fence. Joanna switches the position and lands a takedown. She stands up and tells Claudia to return to her feet. Nice right hand from Gadelha. Joanna lands a jab and then an excellent combination. Claudia shoots in to attempt one final takedown. It is not there. This one is over.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk defeats Claudia Gadelha via decision (48-46, 48-45, 48-46)
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
TUF 23 Finale Results