UFC Halifax Results: Elias Theodorou defeats Cezar Ferreira via decision
UFC Halifax Results: Cezar Ferreira vs. Elias Theodorou

A middleweight bout between Cezar Ferreira and Elias Theodorou took place on tonight’s UFC Fight Night 105 main card in Halifax.
Round one begins and Cezar starts out quickly. Ferreira catches Elias with a good shot. Theodorou stays on his feet. He kicks high, then catches Cezar with a right. Ferreira nearly kicks Theodorou’s legs out from under him. Elias responds with a right. He eats a kick to the mid section, but catches it and uses it to try to take Ferreira down. ezar back up. They clinch along the fence. Theodorou backs Ferreira up and then nearly lands a head kick. He comes forward with a right, then a kick to the body. He goes high again but it is blocked. A kick and punch land at the 10-second clap, and one more kick before the bell for good measure.
Round two begins and Elias starts off quickly. He lands a right jab and then misses with a front kick. A good low kicks scores for Cezar and then another. The fighters clinch up but Cezar quickly breaks and then circles out. Ferreira grabs a hold of a leg and scores an easy takedown. He quickly transitions to the back of Elias. Theodorou is able to scramble and get back up to his feet. They clinch against the fence. Cezar scores a foot sweep and gets the takedown. Elias is right back up but breathing heavy. Elias with a nice left hook. Cezar slips on a punch and Elias grabs a hold of him and pushes him up against the fence. Cezar drops down for a guillotine choke but it is not there. He attempts it again and this one is tighter. Once again Elias is able to escape the submission and winds up on top. Cezar is able to scramble and get back up to his feet. Cezar with a nice body kick but Elias fires back with a combination. Elias with a good low kick. Two good lefts from Elias to end round two.
Round three begins and Elias is utilizing his kicks early. Cezar shoots in for a takedown but Elias stuffs the attempt. The fighters briefly clinch and then separate. Elias with two more kicks and then a front kick that misses. He presses forward with a jab. Cezar shoots in and lands a big takedown. He quickly moves to take the back. He does. He attempts to lock in and rear-naked choke. Elias breaks free of the hold. Elias scrambles and gets back to his feet. He looks for a takedown but it is not there. Round three comes to an end.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
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