UFC 216 Results: Beneil Dariush and Evan Dunham battle to a majority draw
A lightweight scrap between Beneil Dariush and Evan Dunham kicked off tonight’s UFC 216 main card in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Dariush quickly presses forward. Evan throws out a right jab. Dunham circling along the fence early here. He charges at Dariush with punches. Beneil lands a kick and the fighters clinch. They quickly break and Beneil lands a nice kick. They fighters engage and Dariush scores with a left over the top. Dunham continues to circle along the fence. Beneil catches him with a left hand. Beneil pressures Evan against the fence. He lands a big elbow. Dunham goes down. Beneil takes his back and begins working some ground and pound. Evan scrambles but cannot get back to his feet. More strikes from Dariush. Evan looks for a leg lock but it is not there. More big shots from the top by Dunham. Beneil moves to half guard. He works an elbow. Evan is working hard to stand up. Beniel catches him with a hard knee to the body. Dunham grabs a hold of a leg and tries to sweep. Beneil is all him. Dunham grabs a leg. He locks in a heel hook. Beneil quickly pulls out and begins working some short shots. Dunham scrambles back to his feet and misses with a high kick. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Evan comes forward. Beneil catches him with a left and then a knee to the body. Dunham shoots in and scores a takedown. He begins working from full guard. Beneil is looking to lock in a shoulder lock from the bottom. He begins working some elbows off of his back. Dariush scrambles up to his feet. Dunham has his back. Beneil scrambles but Evan still has him pressed against the cage. Beneil breaks free and takes the center of the octagon. He lands a hard low kick followed by a left hand over the top. Evan steps in and throws a shot by the body. He circles along the fence. Beneil with a right hand. Dunham pushes forward. They fighters clinch along the fence. Beneil with a knee to the body. He lands a hard low kick. Evan rushes in and presses him against the fence. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Dunham charges forward. He lands a head kick. Beneil appears to be ok. Dunham working his jab now. Dariush replies with a hard low kick. The fighters stand and trade in the pocket. Dunham lands a hard hook. He circles out and then lands a nice jab. Beneil misses with an attempted low kick. Another left hook lands for Dunham. He appears to be turning the tide here. Another left for Evan. He shoots in and presses Beneil against the fence. Dunham with some short uppercuts now. Beneil breaks free and lands a left. Dunham lands a combination. Another good counter from Evan. Beneil responds with a low kick. Evan once again shoots in. That doesn’t last long as Beneil pushes him off. Dariush with a left. Evan with a right hand over the top. Under a minute remains. Evan presses forward with a left hand over the top. Beneil with a leg kick. Dunham with a counter left and then a right hand. Dunham tells Beneil to fight and charges forward with punches. The horn sounds to end a great fight.
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC 216