UFC 212 Results: Luan Chagas submits Jim Wallhead (Highlights)
UFC 212 Results: Luan Chagas vs. Jim Wallhead

A welterweight scrap between Luan Chagas and Jim Wallhead took place during tonight’s UFC 212 Fight Pass prelims in Brazil.
Round one begins and Chagas throws a front kick to the body of Wallhead to start. Jim comes forward with a combination. Chagas circles away and then comes in and lands a head kick. He follows that up with a pair of hard low kicks. Wallhead is trying to find a way inside. He lands a left hook. Chagas replies with a head kick followed by a low kick. Jim responds with a leg kick of his own. Wallhead comes forward with a combination that ends in a hard left. Chagas quickly fires back with a right hand and then a low kick. Wallhead shoots in but cannot secure the takedown. Chagas circles out and lands a right hand. Wallhead presses forward and the fighters trade right hands. Chagas lands a left hand and then charges in with a combination. Wallhead eats it and then fires off a right hand. Jim again shoots in for a takedown attempt but it is not there. Chagas just misses with a front kick. He lands a low kick but Jim counters with a right hand. Chagas finds a home for a left hand and then a high kick. He shifts position and lands a right hand. Wallhead circles off the fence and then lands a jab to the body of Chagas. The fighters exchange low kicks to close out round one.
BIG shots followed up by a HUGE knee land for @ChagasMMA but @JudoJimmy just keeps coming! #UFC212 pic.twitter.com/uljE5eGP0f
— UFC (@ufc) June 3, 2017
Round two begins and Wallhead lands a nice right hand. Chagas circles out and then lands a kick that hits Jim low. The referee steps in to let Wallhead recover. After a short break we continue. Wallhead lands another right hand. Chagas replies with a left hand and then a crisp jab. Wallhead tries to press forward but Chagas lands another left high kick. Jim just eats it and presses forward with a combination that finishes with a right hand. Another good punch from Wallhead. Chagas circles and then fires off a nice combination of his own. He is studying the feet of Wallhead. He throws a jab. Wallhead instantly screams from the shot. He was poked in the eye pretty badly there. The doctor is called in to take a look. After another short break we restart. Both fighters score with straight lefts. Chagas with a leg kick and then another. Wallhead misses with a spinning kick. He presses forward and lands a left hand. Chagas circles and then misses with a low kick. He throws another kick but Wallhead counters the strike attempt with a left hand. Another leg kick finds a home for Chagas. He circles away from a Wallhead combination. Chagas connects with a punch and Jim drops. Chagas immediately jumps on him and takes the back. He locks in a rear-naked choke and this one is all over!
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC 212