UFN 89 Results: Misha Cirkunov submits Ion Cutelaba
A light heavyweight bout between Misha Cirkunov and Ion Cutelaba took place on the UFC Fight Night 89 prelims in Ottawa.

Round one begins and Cirkunov lands a big left hand. The Canadian presses forward and gets hit with a big right hand from Cutelaba. Ion is circling and pawing with his jab. Cirkunov is pressing forward and lands a right hand. He follows up with a big left. Cutelaba eats it. Ion lands a takedown and winds up in mount. Cirkunov quickly escapes the position and stands back up. The fighters clinch up and Cirkunov tries to land a trip. It is not there. The fighters break and Ion lands a jab. Nice left hand from Cirkunov. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Cutelaba lands a right hand. Both fighters are trying to find their range early. Ion presses forward with a combo that misses. Cirkunov lands a right hand over the top. Ion switches his stances and throws a spinning back fist that misses. Cirkunov paws with his jab. He lands a nice left hand. Ion with a leg kick that partially connects. Cirkunov is landing some nice jabs and short hooks now. He is backing Ion up. One minute left in the round. The fighters clinch and Cirkunov presses Ion against the fence in search of a takedown. Cirkunov with a knee inside. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Cirkunov opens things up by attacking the body of Cutelaba. Nice superman punch from Misha lands flush on Ion. Miesha follows Ion to the floor and quickly locks in an arm triangle. This one is over.
Cirkunov submits Cutelaba via arm triangle in round three
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
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