UFC 197 Results: Edson Barboza upsets former champ Anthony Pettis
A key lightweight bout between former champion Anthony Pettis (18-5 MMA) and dangerous striker Edson Barboza (15-4 MMA) took place on the UFC 197 main card in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Barboza lands a leg kick to start. Pettis is circling to start. Barboza with a jab to the body and then a kick in the same spot. Edson with a couple of left hands that miss. Barboza with a inside leg kick. Pettis with a nice leg kick. He lands a crisp right hand on Edson. A good left hook lands for Barboza and then another. Pettis looks a little stunned from the shots. An inside leg kick scores for Barboza. Edson with a good jab to the body of Pettis. A nice right hand lands for Barboza. Pettis misses with a high kick. Nice leg kick from Edson. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Pettis throws a jumping roundhouse kick that misses. Barboza lands a good leg kick and then a jab to the body. Edson lands a good left hook and then a body kick. Pettis moves forward with a front kick that misses the mark. Good push kick from Anthony. Pettis with a jumping knee. Anthony lands a nice left jab. Pettis with a combination that is partially blocked. Barboza with a good shot to the body of Pettis. Anthony responds with a nice right hand and then a left kick to the body. Edson with a good left hook. Pettis lands a nice combo. Anthony shoots in for a takedown but it is not there. Barboza with a leg kick. Pettis responds with a jab. Nasty kick to the body from Edson. Pettis with a nice right hand. Pettis attempts a wild kick at the end of round two that misses.
Round three starts and Barboza lands a nice inside leg kick. Pettis misses with a big kick. Edson with a strong leg kick that puts Pettis on his butt. Pettis pops up and a jab lands from Barboza. Nice inside leg kick scores for Edson. He tries another but it hits Pettis in the groin. The start back up and Barboza lands back to back nasty kicks. More kicks from the Brazilian land flush. Pettis is getting busted up. More brutal leg kicks from Barboza. Edson lands a nice left hook. Pettis attempts a takedown but it is not there. Another good leg kicks scores for Barboza. Pettis needs to do something here. Another inside leg kick from Edson. The horn sounds to end round three.
Edson Barboza defeats Anthony Pettis via decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
This article appeared first on BJPENN.COM
UFC 197 results